

Since my account is notactivated, My account activated back. Thank you google for helping me. I want to share this post cause someone hack  my account and I can't access my account. Luckily my account no money. So the thief can't do anything in my account. And luckily too my account name is not changed by him.

continued stories...

Before chapter " Hello there, my name Hans. You can call me EYE21H. As in feature, when I was kid I usually do upgrade and downgrade phone, open the case of CPU, Re-install windows till 100 times cause always wrong. When that was wrong, I never give up and I start learn that from mistake without from any webpage. Cause in that day, my parents not install internet yet and my phone no package data and my mom recommend to use her package data and I said...." Now chaptered coniued... and I said No thanks I can do that by my self and this way that people can easily understand about computer :D. I hope you guys do what I've done in my life. YOLO (You Only Live Once) Enjoy this life as much as you want. Do not quit. just keep do it how hard is it. Like installing windows you think to hard? than you ask IT to do it and you pay? comeon... Installing Windows is easy like you installing software. But installing you need product key to activate your windows permanently. If you guys c...
Wanna like  this ↓ on your desktop?  go to:     Thank you and have a nice try. That's easy. Sincerely, EYE21H